EC’s Short Profile

Eva was born on 2nd September 1996 in Trento, Italy. She obtained her Bachelor degree in physics at the University of Trento, and then moved to Munich for her Masters. There, she focused on ultracold atomic physics and joined the group of Immanuel Bloch at MPQ for her thesis. She worked on the Sr Cavity Quantum Gas Microscope experiment, where she built a two-dimensional magneto-optical trap. After graduating in December 2020 she took a few months off to relax, and then moved to Innsbruck in July 2021 to begin her PhD in the Er-Dy experiment.

EC’s CV at Glance

July 2021 – present PhD Student in the Er-Dy experiment
October 2018 – December 2020 Master studies in Physics, LMU Munich
September 2015 – September 2018 Bachelor studies of Physics, University of Trento

EC’s Publications

[2]Observation of vortices in a dipolar supersolid,
E. Casotti, E. Poli, L. Klaus, A. Litvinov, C. Ulm, C. Politi, M. J. Mark, T. Bland, F. Ferlaino,
arXiv:2403.18510 [cond-mat.quant-gas], 2024. [more] [pdf] [arXiv]
[1]Observation of vortices and vortex stripes in a dipolar condensate,
L. Klaus, T. Bland, E. Poli, C. Politi, G. Lamporesi, E. Casotti, R. N. Bisset, M. J. Mark, F. Ferlaino,
Nature Physics, 18, 1453–1458, 2022. [more] [pdf] [doi] [arXiv]

Conferences, Schools & Workshops

June 2023 DAMOP 2023, Spokane (USA)  Talk
September 2022 EMMI Workshop on Long-Range Ultracold Interactions, Innsbruck (AT)  Poster
April 2022 Frontiers of Quantum Gas Microscopy, Bad Honnef (DE)  Poster