Erbium Team 2023

Erbium Team 2023

Bloch Oscillations

Bloch Oscillations

We study Bloch oscillations of an erbium quantum droplet  

3D array of large-spin fermions

3D array of large-spin fermions

In joint theoretical and experimental work with our theory colleagues A.-M. Rey (JILA) and B. Zhu (ITAMP) we investigate dipolar induced magnetization-conserving spin exchange dynamics with fermionic Er in a 3D optical lattice

The ERBIUM lab

The ERBIUM lab

The ERBIUM lab

Excitation spectrum of a trapped dipolar supersolid

Excitation spectrum of a trapped dipolar supersolid

In a combined theory and experimental work, we study the elementary excitations of trapped dipolar quantum gases crossing from regular superfluid to supersolid.

Observation of roton quasiparticles in Erbium

Observation of roton quasiparticles in Erbium

In collaboration with our theory collaborators from Innsbruck and Hannover, we have observed for the first time so-called roton quasiparticles in an ultracold bosonic gas of erbium atoms.

Polarizability of Erbium

Polarizability of Erbium

In collaboration with our theory colleagues from Paris, we have determined the dynamical polarizability of ultracold erbium atoms.

Crossover from a BEC to a macrodroplet

Crossover from a BEC to a macrodroplet

Together with our theory colleagues from Hannover, we have investigated the formation of a macrodroplet state in an ultracold bosonic gas of erbium atoms.

Extended Bose-Hubbard Model

Extended Bose-Hubbard Model

We have studied the extended Bose-Hubbard Model with dipolar Er atoms as well as how the superfluid-to-Mott-insulator transition is modified by the dipole-dipole interaction.

Quantum Chaos in Ultracold Collisions of Erbium

Quantum Chaos in Ultracold Collisions of Erbium

We have studied the scattering behavior of ultracold Er atoms and observed an enormous number of Fano-Feshbach scattering resonances.


Dipolar Quantum Gases of Erbium Atoms 

Erbium has very special properties that make it unique: a very strong magnetic moment, many valence electrons, clock transitions, and an extremely rich internal atomic structure.

In the ERBIUM LAB we bring all these properties in the quantum regime together to study strongly dipolar gases both in the continuum and in optical lattices.  Recently, the ERBIUM team has observed roton excitations, the counterintuitive and long-sought supersolid states, deformed Fermi surface, Bose-Hubbard systems with long-range interaction, spin manipulation via the clock transition, and much more!

A full list of the ERBIUM LAB Publications can be found here

Interested in joining us? Check out here.

Lab news
What happens when an dipolar quantum gas is excited? Read our pre-print to find out!
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Louis Lafforgue joined the group of Prof. Dr. Francesca Ferlaino at the end of 2022 for his PhD studies and on August, 1st 2023 he joined the FWF Doctoral Programme Atoms, Light, and Molecules (DK-ALM).
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Alex Patscheider, who finished his PhD with us last year, just received one of this year's Hypo Tirol Prizes for his dissertation!
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Claudia Politi and Gabriele Natale obtained their PhD in May 2023 and are now heading to ETH Zürich to work respectivly in the groups of Prof. J. Home and Prof. T. Esslinger. We wish you great succes in your next adventures in physics!
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Dr. Gabriele Natale and Dr. Claudia Politi simultaneously become Doctors of Philosophy!
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Three Clus­ters of Excel­lence in Inns­bruck have been funded! With highly endowed clusters of excellence, the Austrian Science Fund FWF creates Austrian flagships of basic research. The University of Innsbruck will coordinate the Cluster of Excellence for Quantum Sciences.
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Lab Team

Francesca Ferlaino, Univ.-Prof. Dr.

Group Leader / PI

Manfred Mark, Dr.

Senior Scientist/Research Assistant

Andrea Di Carli, Dr.

Academy Scientist/Research Assistant

Ferdinand Claude, Dr.


Arfor Houwman, MSc.

PhD Student (ERBIUM)

Louis Lafforgue, MSc.

PhD Student (ERBIUM)

Sarah Embacher

Sarah Embacher, BSc.

Master Student (ERBIUM)