Welcome to Eva

Welcome to Eva, who has joined the Er-Dy team as PhD Student. Eva joined us from the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität and the Max Planck  Institute (Munich), where she worked for her master thesis under the supervision of Prof. Immanuel Bloch.


Lauritz Klaus joins the Er-Dy Lab

After completing the Master’s degree in Heidelberg under the supervision of Prof. Weidemüller in the Li-Cs mixture experiment, Lauritz joined our team in February as a PhD student in the Er-Dy dipolar quantum mixture Lab. Welcome to Innsbruck, Lauritz!

Matthew Norcia joins the Er-Dy LAB

With the beginning of the new year, Matt joins our team as Post-Doc in the Er-Dy LAB. After completing the Ph.D. at JILA (Colorado, US) under the supervision of James Thompson, he continued as a Post-Doc together with Adam Kaufman always at JILA. Welcome to Innsbruck, Matt!